Sunday 11 April 2010

Opening party

What a great Occasion Thank you


  1. Great idea to have a blog for allotment holders - thanks Lynchmere PC brilliant!

  2. Lovely weather for gardening!

  3. Fantastic to see so many people already enjoying their allotments!

  4. it's all a bit quiet in here isn't it? Where is everybody ? I have just had an email to say I can have an allotment at Shottermill Ponds, which is great, although some of them seem to have reverted to nature so I will be doing a bit of digging - although Stuart in plot two has offered his son George to help! I will be running the allotment with my sister, Barbara, so if you hear any raised voices it will be us, discussing what to plant and how to plant it. I want it to look wonderful and she wants to grow lots of vegetables. But we can do both can't we ?? Hope I am not talking to myself here ! Diana

  5. I'm having a go at the allotment blog as I suddenly find I can do it from my phone! Here goes ... I expect you noticed a medium sized tree appear in one of the plots... A great effort by a well-prepared vandal. I think it's the tree from the roundabout which is a great shame. But what sort of Friday night drunk/vandal carries a saw? The crime has been reported and hopefully we can mend the noticeboard and restore peace at the allotments.
    Fingers crossed for the long-awaited Spring sunshine and a more successful growing season this year.
    Please post comments plot holders!
